Haven't played my LP's in 20 years - still good?

Anyone with similar experience? I've got about 600 albums that I haven't played in 20 years. Always took care of them, discwasher brushing and a 'dust toothbrush' with felt pad thingie that rode the grooves while you spun the lp.
I'm thinking of getting back into analog, but wonder if the black beauties are still relativly quiet.
Any input on how these might have held up?

Showing 1 response by david12

Some of my vinyl dates back to the 60's and they are still fine. The big threat seems to be damp and mould, which can be tough to deal with, typically if the records have been kept in a cellar(sorry basement) for years. Help is at hand, Michael Fremmer has a couple of recent articles on this very subject, the second in the current Stereophile. These includes advise on intensive care for really damaged Lp's. Some of my older 2nd hand buys have been very scratched, presumably by old worn cartridges, tracking at the higher weights typical of vintage cheap decks