Have You Tried One Schiit Aegir with LRS

I’m looking for any real-world experience with this combo, as I have (way too many) hours of reading opinions of better and best options.

I have a curiosity about a single Aegir because I currently use an original Freya with a vintage EL34 Marantz 8b to power the 2022 LRS (not +). The 35wpc gives me the 65-90db I listen at in my 10x15’ studio and sounds gorgeous on the jazz, pop, rock I listen to – except where music gets very dense (e.g. Maggie Rogers "That’s Where I Am.") I compared it to my NAD integrated with nominal 80wpc. I can barely turn up the volume before I get to the level where I’m listening. The NAD sounds better with the dense passages, but less silky everywhere. The Schiit amps fit my budget nicely, and I’ve heard one or two reviews say they enjoyed the single Aegir through LRS. Lots of others jump right to using 2 as monoblocks or complain that they clip or trip protection. No one says what kind of SPL that’s happening at. Is anybody using this combo in a similar use case to mine? Or have monoblocks and want to try it out for me? If it’s a bad combo, I will move down my list of amp options. Actually, if anyone tried the Aegir and ended up with Vidar at lower SPL, that would be helpful. Thanks for sharing.



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You may also want to look at the Van Alstine SET 120 amp. Over on Audio Circle, there is a thread where Frank has tried that on LRSs and said it was good to go.