Have you treated your listening space?

I see lots of pictures of $$$ systems in bare rooms.
What are the barriers for you to treat your room, or if you have already what benefits have you rendered?
I have improved the sound more than any other way by addressing the reverberant space that my system occupies.

"I would rather listen to a midfi system in a hifi room than a hifi system in a mifi room."

Showing 3 responses by transaudio

Room sound is THE issue for professional studios. Some rooms are very famous for their specific sound such as the big room at East West, where Frank Sinatra recorded (with orchestra) or the "Pet Sounds" room (Beach Boys) at East West, or the big room at Abbey Road that is so much a part of the Beatles Sound on that record. Studios can work on acoustics a long time to get a control room to sound right so it "translates" (does not impart a sound that causes bad judgement by the mixer). All speakers are "changed" by the room.

If you do not address your playback room you are missing half the battle. You have no idea what its doing to your speakers. Hard plaster or wall board emphasizes midrange terribly (go up to your wall and knock on it-hear that ring? Parallel walls in rooms sets up standing waves, sound frequencies emphasized by the room itself, usually in the low end. Ever notice parts of the room where bass is just gone? Or where its so loud you can't stand it? All room modes. No speaker can fix them. When I read about people saying this speaker didn't sound like it did at so and so's listening room, you gotta wonder how they skipped over the issue of the room itself.

Dealing with first reflections is step one (absorption on the walls where the speakers first reflect off the wall itself).
"I would rather listen to mid-fi in a hi-fi room than hi-fi in a mid-fi room."

Couldn't have said it better Mr Werner! The mid fi system in the hi fi room will sound far better, image better.

Look at RPG panels, not those foam things. Get a mix of panels you hang flat against the wall (like a picture) and the ones that have an "L" shape (the leg of the L is sort of perpendicular to the wall, the top of L is against the wall, creating a small triangle space between the "L" and the wall).

Also, if you use speaker stands, getting mass under the speaker really help. Most cheapo stands ring horribly!



Stone floors are gigantic audio reflectors. Throw a thick blanket or quilt over that floor just in front of your speakers (first reflections) and prepare to be amazed. Your windows and doors open = fewer reflections.
