Have you treated your listening space?

I see lots of pictures of $$$ systems in bare rooms.
What are the barriers for you to treat your room, or if you have already what benefits have you rendered?
I have improved the sound more than any other way by addressing the reverberant space that my system occupies.

"I would rather listen to a midfi system in a hifi room than a hifi system in a mifi room."

Showing 4 responses by geoffkait

Room treatments are not in the signal path so how can they possibly have any effect on the sound?

Uh, of course no one is suggesting turning the room in an anecolic chamber. But there are standing waves and early reflections as well as echos and other effects that really do interfere with the sound. It's a question of how far one wishes to go in the pursuit of the best sound. If one wishes to ignore the problem, well, that's a different matter.
I'll split the difference with you. It's actually spelled
