Have You Heard About Daedalus Music?

Nope, not another long winded review of the outstanding DA-1 loudspeakers--sorry to disappoint! I just received a shipment from Daedalus Books and Music after ordering from a catalogue filled with cheap, high quality CDs. Many cutouts at around $5 a piece. I ordered some great recordings from the likes of Linn, Nimbus and Chesky all at about that price point. Non-cutouts are demonstrably cheaper than Amazon, Borders, etc. Great service and quick shipment as well. All kinds of music and an easy to use website. Go to:


BTW, want to guess how I heard about Daedalus music? I drove by their Maryland location adjacent to I-95 on my way to pick up my new Daedalus DA-1 speakers. Wierd, huh?
Actually the building with "Daedalus" in big letters on the side is quite visible from the highway. Maybe I was on the road to Columbia (Rt 42?) rather than I-95.
Come on, you can't see it from I-95. How did you REALLY hear about it? Betcha saw an ad in the Washington Post, or got a catalog, right?

I get there every couple of months at the very least. Usually exit with at least 10 CDs.