Have you heard a great listening room?

I am in the quest of a great listening room to copy. My room has the rough dimensions of 25x16 with a ceiling height of at least 9'.

I've been told that a great way to do this is to find a room I really love and have it copied.
Makes sense. I realize that many here want to protect their privacy. So, I'm reaching out to those of you who believe that you have an outstanding audio room. I live in Northern Westchester County, in NY and am prepared to travel. If you are willing to share your treasure, I'll respect your confidentiality as you request. You can Email me offline at: lakefrontroad@earthlink.net.

Once I have a specific room in mind, I will get the help of those that design and build rooms.

Bill E.

Showing 1 response by clueless

Hi Lakefront:

I've heard a few and unfortunately it's not mine at the moment. I thought I would throw out one short thought.

The idea of an "ideal room" seems a little problematic to me. Sound includes direct sound and sound due to resonances, reverberation, reflections.. as you know. Seems like the speakers you use and their characteristics will have a big impact on how these interact in a room.

If you just look at one thing, like the off-axis radiation pattern of a specific speaker, it's not hard to see that different speakers will act differently in the same room. If you put a typical box, large panel area dipole, or open baffle ....ect ect...in a room it seems that a room that deals best with one might not be so hot with the other.

Have you thought about bringing a pro in? Talk to Albert Porter (I think it's Albert Porter) who posts here. I think he is in the middle of such a project.

Also, I'm sure Kirk's room was great but general advice would be to avoid creating dimensions that are even multiples or fractions such as 20/30.

Just found a fun Room Mode calculator on line at www.mcsquared.com/modecalc.htm which is kind of fun.

Just a thought. Have fun!

I remain,