Have you gotten great sound in a small er room?

I have a room that's 13 x 20 with the old part of the room having 8' ceilings and the newer construction nearly 10'. I found that firing the speakers across the short wall was interesting sonically: more open-sounding than firing down the long wall (which I've traditionally done). The sound is more layered, but the imaging diffuse. However, the sidewall reflections are much more reduced (and i have considerable ASC tube traps, and an ASC wall damp in the room.
What's your experience in a smaller room? Were you able to get both the music, and the soundstaging to cohere in a smaller room?

Showing 2 responses by schubert

I never got all the fuss about this, probably because I'm dumber than most with less acute hearing.

All I ever do in a room is get the speakers as far out in the room as possible, about 6-7 feet apart with me sitting as close to a wall as possible 6-8 feet away. Works for me.