Have you ever wondered why speaker manufactures do not consign speakers to dealers?

How many of you have wanted to hear a pair of speakers and the dealer only has a pair of their low end speakers to listen to?  I would say in most cases, dealers in Colorado have limited availability of speakers to listen to on their floor.  How then is it possible to purchase a speaker without listening to it first?  You would think speaker manufactures would want to sell their higher end speakers and consign at least three speaker models to dealers so they could have them available for their customers to listen to.

Showing 2 responses by stevecham

All of the above underscores why brick and mortar dealers are on the decline. I don’t want it to be that way, on the contrary, I would like to see a fluorishing and robust audio dealer network. But when I wanted to home demo Vandersteen 3As from a San Francisco-based dealer years ago and was willing to put up my credit to cover any damage in the transit, boxing, they refused. I only lived a few miles away at the time. They had an in-store demo pair that wasn’t in perfect condition either as you could see they had been moved around quite a bit by the various scuffs. I called Richard Vandersteen and spoke with him about my experience with that particular dealer and his reply was, to paraphrase, "yeah, I’m not happy about it, but some of them are like that." Sheesh.

I have no problem with such dealerships going bust if that’s the "common" approach to "selling."

Cutomers come FIRST. They are the LIFEBLOOD of ANY business, big or small.
@tastyfreeze: "I hate the traveling to demo but do not have any other choice."

Yes, you do. You can in-home demo directly from high quality manufactures such as SVS, PS Audio, Schiit, Liberty Audio, Wyred 4 Sound. I'm sure there are many others and the list is growing.