Have you ever tried a pair of speakers and said this Is the last thing I will ever need.

Hi Audiogoners have you you ever had a local dealer that is so pashonet about audio. That they let you bring in your system for fun and try a $10 000speakers. And you have been to every other local dealers shows and listened to $400 000 and above systems. And then tried a pair of speakers and had so much synergy with your budget system and said omg. This blows all other systems I heard for a fraction of the cost of most others? And have been always happy with that pair of speakers and your system for the rest of your life?

Please share your experience"
Great question.  I'm relatively new to the HiFi scene and still on a steep learning curve being only 5 years in.  However after hearing various really expensive speakers (certainly more than I can afford) at HiFi shows and local dealers here in Melbourne Australia I reckon I will be keeping my newly acquired KEF Blade 2s for quite a while.  Same goes for the Ayre QX-5 Twenty / AX-5 Twenty combo I have upstream with Cardas Clear cabling (speaker & power cables, interconnects and jumpers).  Still can't believe how standing the AX-5 amp on myrtle wood blocks noticeably improved SQ despite having the amp already on a Quadraspire SVT bamboo rack.  Thoroughly enjoying this new obsession of mine and thankfully so is my wife!
After over 59 years since I bought my first "Mono" Player--many incarnations ( too many that sucked both sonically and the wallet!)have been and gone form my abodes
Now though I've settled with what I feel is a fine balance of musicality/involvement/and value for the $(bought S/H as no longer available )especially in a domestic living environment such as an Apartment or similar.

The Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage

I still marvel at what they can produce for the size and cost--indeed a Tour de Force RIP Franco Serblin.

Hi Jake
I've been an audio fool for a long time now! I have finally found a speaker that I believe is a lifer!!! It's custom built by a master speaker builder that is an ex Focal employee. He builds speakers under the brand name TFLO. Located near Edmonton Alberta Canada. I'm so happy with these speakers I don't believe I'll ever get tired of them. I've compared them to $20,000 speakers & to me these are better. What's great about them is that I purchased these at a fraction of that cost. 
Looking to replace my aging B&W 801 Nautilus speakers, I did a little research and discovered that Vandersteen 7, Revel Salon 2,  802 B&W D3 or the Kef  Blade would be very good contenders.  I even toyed with Magnepans. That is, until I came across information on the JBL M2 Reference Monitors which are wave guide, compression driver, active speakers (DSP crossover in Crown amps)  meant for professional music and film  production.  On a lark, I  purchasing a pair at my local Guitar Center along with the required pair of stereo Crown amplifiers (Class I) for about $11,000, a 50% discount.  Later I supplemented this with another Crown amp and a JBL Sub 18 which was made to be mated with the M2.  This unconventional system has 6x2500 watts (bridged for sub), and the dynamic range, even at relatively modest volume, is remarkable.  After painstakingly locating the speakers, sub, and listening position, and thoughtfully installing acoustical room treatment, it is the best system I have personally ever heard.  I can't see replacing it anytime soon.
Mirage M3si (two pairs for two separate rooms)

Goldenear Triton One

i once heard a pair of Martin-Logan Prodigy and they blew me away; I may someday seek some M-L but the M3's and Tritons will always stay.