Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next?

Last night I went to bed thinking my system was going down the tubes. This morning I loved it.
 Last night it sounded painfully bright and unbalanced.  This morning, on the same CDs, it sounded full and rich.
Now, I ask you, is it the system or me???
  I understand changes in electrical currents from the wall can play a part, but I have an expensive power conditioner.
 I was just wondering if this is a typical bugaboo among audiophiles.

Showing 2 responses by phd

No, this is real, it happens to most of us and I have concluded there are two main contributing factors. 1. Source, quality varies from one media to another. 2. Finally all systems sound different depending on how long they have been left on. I have heard some systems sound better from a cold start where others sound much better the longer they are left on.
We all have good and bad recordings and it should be considered a crime the way some of these studios use inferior devices and wiring in an attempt to make a good recording which is virtually impossible. We need more recording studios dedicated and properly equipped to make the best possible recordings.