Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next?

Last night I went to bed thinking my system was going down the tubes. This morning I loved it.
 Last night it sounded painfully bright and unbalanced.  This morning, on the same CDs, it sounded full and rich.
Now, I ask you, is it the system or me???
  I understand changes in electrical currents from the wall can play a part, but I have an expensive power conditioner.
 I was just wondering if this is a typical bugaboo among audiophiles.

Showing 19 responses by geoffkait

Whoa! Hey! I never thought I’d live to see bowel movements and sex life in the same sentence. What the ding dong?!
I suspect big complicated systems are more sensitive to external pressures. A friend of mine has a big complicated system and will generally only listen to his system early Sunday mornings, and then only on nice sunny 😎 days. The rest of the week by comparison his system sounds relatively lifeless, uncertain, generic, unfocused, flaccid, unengaging, wimpy, electronic, bloated, two dimensional, like paper mache.
rvpiano OP
Okay, this is ridiculous!
Notwithstanding all that has been written here, today my system is sounding like it NEVER sounded before. All the parameters of sound are way better.
Is it electrical? Who the f@#$ knows?!

Its enough to drive you totally insane.

>>>>>This is precisely why I say it’s a good idea to keep a log. That way you have some chance of correlating the sound you’re hearing on a particular day with something that could be affecting it. You know, like time of day, day of week, the weather, sun spot activity. Whatever. 
Keep a log. That way you have some chance, albeit a small one, of correlating what you hear from day to day, week to week, month to month to something, anything. Moving this, changing that, replacing that, time of day, whatever. Unfortunately, and I say this with the utmost sincerity, you won’t be able to correlate the sound to things you don’t know about or things that are not usually thought to have any influence whatsoever on the sound, that you would never suspect.

Made the scene
Week to week
Day to day
Hour to hour
The gate is straight
Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side

Famous last words. On his death bed Humphrey Bogart reportedly remarked, I never should have switched from Scotch to martinis. 😜
Adjusting level is not actually so mysterious, ever since the loudness wars started you never know what you’re going to get in terms of loudness level, so obviously you’ll usually have to adjust the level, either up or down. It would be rather unlikely in this day and age two consecutive CDs would have the exact same level, don’t you think?
The wine you can control. Ideally. 🙄 Wife, probably not. Uncontrolled variable.
Obviously that’s not (rpt not) what I’m talking about. I’m talking about something that YOU have no control over. But like level that was mentioned earlier you DO control turning OFF and ON as well as Room Tuning. I’m talking about something only I know about. I am the controller. That would make it mysterious for everyone else, no? 😳
Bingo! That’s what I’ve been waiting for! 4 days ago I indicated something wonderful was coming in a deleted post. A bit like Babe Ruth pointing to the bleachers prior to smacking a 500 ft. Home Run. ⚾️ It’s always good when someone actually can hear.
Uh, chaps, level is one of things you CAN control. It is not what this thread is about, which is why the system oft sounds different day to day for NO APPARENT REASON. It’s a mystery. Level has nothing to do with it. Weather affects the power grid, thus even high end designer electronics, which apparently you chaps are completely unfamiliar with, one must conclude at least, are subject to the vagaries of the weather.

Pop quiz: has anyone who’s paying attention noticed his system sounds really good for no apparent reason the past few days?

Last evening the world outside my home was silent with 12” of freshly fallen heavy snow. It was so quiet 🤫 I could hear my breath freezing. The evening was audio magic so I stayed up until 3:00AM listening to recordings that never sounded so good.

>>>>>OK, The snow has stopped and melted most places. Did the audio magic disappear with the snow? Did you psych yourself out? You could hear your breath freezing? Were you sitting outside?
So, please don’t tell me I’m the only one whose system sounds especially sweet today and yesterday? 🙄
I actually don’t think gdhal was perpetrating a fraud or hoax. He really believes he’s the knight in shining armor come to slay the dragon. Bad dragon! Bad! 
Most systems always sound best in the morning and late evening. Especially Sunday morning. Less RF interference. Most systems also sound best on nice sunny days and worst on rainy low pressure days.