Have you ever got emotionally attached

To a piece of equipment. One that you dont want to part with. For me its an old pair of OHM I speakers. Bought in 82. Ive upgraded them and just like them. They have their own sonic signiture that Im used too. OK I'll admit Im biased. Three of the drivers are on top and pointed upwards. The sound does not directly come at me and Im used to it. I have 2 Watkin echo muffs behind them. Any way I see them as the part of the system that actually sings to me. I also tried a much touted newer speaker and sold it a year later. If anyone wants to give me a $5000+ speaker I'll try it but I might be sending it back too you. I also wished I hadnt sold my Tandberg 3018A preamp. I thought it looked pretty cool and sounded great. mike

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My Forte Model 5 amp and Model 40 preamp. I was recently married and only a couple years out of college(to my ex!) and it was right around New Years 1992. We were pretty much dirt poor, but we went into a local mid fi store (Audio Video Systems--not sure if still around) and we were kicking tires looking around. We saw these as floor models on clearance for 50% off. At the time I didn't know Threshold was changing hands and the Forte line was being shut down. Hell, I had never heard of Forte, but I knew Threshold was a great company. I just liked the build quality of the units. Anyway, with some basic Monster Cables, we took these home. These were my first separates. Put them into the system with my trusty Boston Acoustics A 150 and Sony CD Player, and we immediately realized how good music could sound. We spent New Year's pulling out every CD we owned and listening and dancing around and drinking Beaujolais nouveau til the wee hours. Even though she has been my ex for nearly 10 years, I still have the equipment. They were even written into the property division order! I got them recapped and updated by Jon Soderberg a couple years back, but then I completely upgraded my system since then. I now have em boxed up for a third system. I am thinking of giving them to my son or daughter for Xmas this year for their room to hook up their ipod. They are too nice to use in the garage, but I can't let go. They represent the beginning of the search for me.