Have you become too jaded with this hobby???

Greetings fellow A'goners.After posting a reply to a question in another forum section I started pondering if this was happening to me.I had put together a modest system that one of my coworkers(who happens to play bass in a band that just opened for Dokken & is getting ready to cut thier first record for a major lable)was completely blown away by.He had NEVER heard a stereo system that sounded so good according to him & decided he wanted me to help him build a system.A short while later I screwed up & killed my integrated amp so I sold off everything in the name of the almighty upgrade.After my reply in the other forum I now wonder if I am heading down the slippery slope of diminishing returns...So my question to all of you is this:Have you become so jaded by this hobby that you can NOT sit down in front of a VERY simple,inexpensive but well put together & set up system without disecting everything you hear & only focusing on what the system does NOT do,or can you still just listen to a simple VERY inexpensive system or a small portable radio & still enjoy the music?I look forward to your replies,Take care...

Showing 1 response by onemug

I have not become jaded.

I have a couple systems that can produce (re-produce) a lot of musical information and I love listening to them.

I also have a vintage system in a guest bedroom that has a pair of Altec Valencias and will pick one of my old Marantz receivers to drive them. I love that one too. I even marvel at what the Bose Wave Radio can do.

For me, like Mofi said, it's about the music.