Have you become too jaded with this hobby???

Greetings fellow A'goners.After posting a reply to a question in another forum section I started pondering if this was happening to me.I had put together a modest system that one of my coworkers(who happens to play bass in a band that just opened for Dokken & is getting ready to cut thier first record for a major lable)was completely blown away by.He had NEVER heard a stereo system that sounded so good according to him & decided he wanted me to help him build a system.A short while later I screwed up & killed my integrated amp so I sold off everything in the name of the almighty upgrade.After my reply in the other forum I now wonder if I am heading down the slippery slope of diminishing returns...So my question to all of you is this:Have you become so jaded by this hobby that you can NOT sit down in front of a VERY simple,inexpensive but well put together & set up system without disecting everything you hear & only focusing on what the system does NOT do,or can you still just listen to a simple VERY inexpensive system or a small portable radio & still enjoy the music?I look forward to your replies,Take care...

Showing 1 response by chashas1

I'm not the least bit jaded by the hobby itself. You meet some of the nicest, smartest, funniest people. You're connected to a world of appreciation for the arts, for design, for knowledge. If done well it invigorates, soothes, restores, the human spirit. It's a hobby, like many others, that connects you to something life-giving, life-affirming. I would be very sad to be without it.

Like most of you, I can have my jollies listening to anything good even on a table or car radio. You can all remember great moments with friends doing that. And like mrtennis, live music is of course a must, and still the overall complete package.
But, assemble a system that can sing, at any given price point, and you can have such pleasures in your own home that enthrall to no end. Sure, it's not live, but what if the "live" performer or performance sucks? Is it still better to listen to that, than to go home and blare out Renee Flemming or Ivan Morevac and be dazzled by artistry that only comes along now and then? That you can hear whenever you want, wearing whatever you want, and with not a lot of coughers and loudmouths sitting near you?

If you cannot be moved by a synergistic stereo system, even of meager means, then sell your system and start over.

So to answer your question, I'm not the least bit jaded by this hobby!