Have I Hit The Point Of Diminishing Returns?

System ... Musical Fidelity Nu Vista CD, Bat VK-3i Preamp, Musical Fidelity A300cr power amp, Magnum Dynalab MD-102 Tuner, B&W N804 speakers, Cardas Golden Reference speaker (bi-wire) and ICs. I realize my rig is a bit dated, but it sounds great. If I were to upgrade, how much better could it get? Have I hit the point of diminishing returns where a lot more $$ gets only a small % increase in sound quality? If not, what component would you suggest upgrading and why? Thanks to all.

Showing 2 responses by truemaineiac

Jmcgrogan2, no I was referring my question to the OP. I should elaborate that in my experience, going to tubes and vinyl was a game changer in bringing up many levels of enjoyment. There are too many threads regarding the virtues and trade-offs of this approach to elaborate here, but it would be worth at least casual investigation if someone's exposure was limited.

I think that a really highly capable system can be had for the $30K level you mention if you can find the right used components.