Have I Hit The Point Of Diminishing Returns?

System ... Musical Fidelity Nu Vista CD, Bat VK-3i Preamp, Musical Fidelity A300cr power amp, Magnum Dynalab MD-102 Tuner, B&W N804 speakers, Cardas Golden Reference speaker (bi-wire) and ICs. I realize my rig is a bit dated, but it sounds great. If I were to upgrade, how much better could it get? Have I hit the point of diminishing returns where a lot more $$ gets only a small % increase in sound quality? If not, what component would you suggest upgrading and why? Thanks to all.

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

My listening room is nearly identical to yours and I recently tried something that made me sit up and say whoa.
I set my system in a diagonal configuration after reading this. The increase in soundstage depth alone was worth the effort. But honestly, as far as I can tell there were improvements in every sonic attribute of the system. And yes, my room has significant treatment going on.
If your system is movable you really should give it a try. I'm usually not much of a fanatic but I am a convert and am spreading the word.
Once you have purchased and installed a basic system that conveys the sounds to you intelligibly, you have reached the point of diminishing returns. If you choose to follow the audiophile nonsense beyond that point, you have voluntarily entered a place where your further investment is rewarded at a lower rate. This puts you on a curve whereon you receive ever less for your dollar as you progress. Whether you feel justly rewarded by your outlay or not, does not alter the economic reality of what you have done from an investment standpoint. Philosophical renderings aside, you have not invested well. Now, of course, the option to pay more money for less improvement is an option afforded the hobbyist and it could be argued that act defines the word " hobby". Who could argue that point?

Excellent post Macrojack. I also agree with your first paragraph. No way Stringreen was addressing Joecasey. I'd bet one of my four "brokerage accounts" on it. Sheesh.