Have Hiss-Need Help ASAP

I have background noise or hiss with all my amps and pre-amps.I thought it was a bad audio research tube pre-amp at
first and when I hooked up another pre-amp and amp it still
is there.It goes away when you turn off the power amp.And comes on when you turn on the power amp.I have tried using
different power outlets,speaker wire,etc.I have tried 3 amps,and 3 pre-amps and it makes the background hiss on all
of them.Could it be the RCA cables?I need help with this
please,this is driving me CRAZY!

Showing 3 responses by sedond

steve, ewe could also be experiencing ground-loop hum - try a cheater plug between the amp & the wall, & see if the hum goes away...

doug s.

while using a cheater plug can, in theory, be dangerous, the *path* for ground woltage is generally dissapated thru the interconnects. using a cheater plug is basically dangerous when the equipment it's used on is not connected to anything else. i've had hum problems in the past, and i've tried the suggestion to hook wires between the chassis' to no avail - perhaps cuz they're awreddy connected, w/the interconnects? re: using a circuit thester, this sounds like a great idea, as ewe seem to be having the problem regardless of what combination yure using...

doug s.

laywer, what ya say is true - about the grounds, that is - dunno about the muzzle! ;~) of course, while there may be exceptions, my experience has been that this sharing of common ground via the interconnects, is a major cause of system-induced hum. if the i/c's are floating, odds are ewe won't *have* a hum problem. in fact, one amp i had a hum problem with, i had a technician float the ground instead of using a cheater plug. woila - no more hum.

doug s.