Just asking the question. If you don’t  believe in cables. Good for you. But if you do have you ever made a cable change that opened up your system to new heights. Just interested if you have or haven’t. If you don’t believe in cables this isn’t a thread for you. What are your thoughts ?


@adasdad by reducing the noise floor in the cabling and equipment you have a better listening experience. That’s the premise that we base everything we do on.  My system does that from the dac all the way to the amp and cabling. 

I recently started using UPOCC silver cables from Zenwave. I started with the new D4 ICs and the difference from my prior cables (TPC Iconoclast) was another level. So was the cost. However, there was much more musical resolution, image placement was much more accurate, the soundstage grew, and music simply became more involving. And I did also compare the Zenwaves to the Iconoclast UPOCC copper (I still own one of these) and while the difference was more subtle relative to the TPC cable, the Zenwave still shined in every way. These cables allowed my components to sound like they should to me, in an invigorating and musical manner.

I've also been trying some different power cabling over the last year as well. Audioquest Tornado and Hurricane, Triode Power Labs, and a few others. I have had both the Zenwave PSR silver power cable on my preamp and the copper PCR cable on my Pass amp as a trial for about a month now (I last week placed my order for 3 Zenwave PCs) and again, another level of resolution and musicality. The silver PCs are highly resolving and engaging, while using the copper PCR cable on my amp left the resolution in place, but added a bit more body (the eerie sensation of feeling a solo cello resonate musically is the sort of body I am talking about for instance).

One other interesting thing to me in my system with the new cables. Music that I really enjoy but was not that well recorded became more engaging with the new cables. Of course well recorded music sounded even better than before, but I find myself playing more music that is definitely not well recorded and being drawn in - more foot tapping and finger drumming!

I couldn't be happier with the Zenwave cable upgrade.

The dramatic improvement happens only when you change stock power cable of your amp to hi-fi cable, even not expensive. Later, if you hear a huge difference between two hi-fi cables, I think means, that one of them is dummy.

Yes. When I added Iconoclast Series 2 TPC speaker cables, the upgrade was dramatic. My boss called out from 2 rooms away to tell me that whatever I did, the system sounded much better. Later, she even turned the system on herself to sit and listen, which is rare. And the true test: She didn't start by asking "how much did it cost?" After she approved, I nervously asked if she wanted to know the cost. She said "no, it was worth it for that kind of improvement". (!!!)

Another big cable improvement was the Tubulus Concentus v.2 I2S cable btwn. my Jay's transport and PS Audio Stellar Gold DAC. Sublime!