Have any of you heard the Klipsch Forte speakers?

I currently own a pair of Totem Hawks but wanted something for our (very large) living room. There are a pair of Klipsch Fortes available at a very cheap price and I was wondering if these would be good as a, primarily, rock speaker. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
A years supply of Blue? hmmm...i dunno, I stopped drinking Blue years ago when I discovered guiness - nectar of the gods! Actually, there are quite a few canadian-made beers now that aer quite good (much better than labatts) and even some small american beer companies are starting to make real high-quality pints...
But, if that's what it takes :)
I've got a pair of forte II's which i've enjoyed. i used them for rock, blues, and jazz in my studio. room is 12x15, so not quite big enough for them to "breath" to get the perfect blend of bass, midrange, and treble. These speakers really shine with rock. if i had a bigger room these would still be my primary speakers.
i am going to look at a pair as early as tomorrow, and compare them with the cornwall and lascala! will report back my findings...