Have any experience with Thiel Smart Subwoofers?

I am interested in opinions regarding the Thiel Smart subwoofer(s) and the active or passive crossover used to integrate the subs with your speaker system. I am especially interested in opinions from individuals who use the smart sub with Thiel speakers. Has anyone auditioned or lived with the SS4 and CS7.2 together? Thank you for your thoughts.
"I am using five CS7.2 for multichannel music (SACD)." Luck you! Please let us know what the rest of your system consists of. I haven't heard what your describing, but, I would imagine the sealed box subs (especialy with the active cross-overs) would cetainly be an improvement over the 7.2's passive radiators.
Unsound you are so right about that. Thiels work very well with Krell. Also conrad johnson.