I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec

Showing 2 responses by aolmrd1241

The best solution for not losing money on our precious stereo systems through resale would be to save up for whatever dream system floats your boat..set it up,sit back and forget all the audio hype involved in this hobby and enjoy the pleasurable rewards of  'y-o-u-r'  high performance stereo system. It will never be perfect..there does not exist such an animal !

Oh !!!  And the most important part is to never visit this or any other audio site for fear that your dream system is no longer good enough for your needs [you know..all those bogus manufacturer claims out there that are blatantly false].

Lust is a very powerful mindset [ think.. audio,woman,cars or whatever ] and if you continue on a journey of that nature.. you will surely lose money 'every time' you go to fulfil that wanton desire.How many of us here have lost a ton of money over our desires of the flesh? As the song goes...'don't worry..be happy'.. and enjoy the gift of music that moves us all to want it so much in our very short lives. 

pbn Peter said... "My ad is now at almost 4000 views the most I've ever had on an ad here since i joined almost 15 years ago"  

I would say viewers of your ad are attracted to the naked woman photo more so than the preamps listed...