Have ~$10-12k...what would you do?

Currently run:
-Melody SP3 (heavily rolled with Winged C 6l6's, NOS RCA triple plate ax7's, NOS RCA clear top au7a's, and have switched between either JJ 6922 or GE ecc88's)
-Graham Slee Era Gold Mk V
-Benz H2 Wood Body cart
-Warfedale Jade 5's (87db, 6ohms)

Listen to: Folk, singer-songwriter, jazz, alt-co, and some rock.  Lately been into early 1900's gospel, 60's/70's funk, New Orleans swing.

Thinking I would like to go with Triode...300b is tempting, but options open obviously. 

Just got a complete bargain on the speakers, so will hold on to these for a short bit and upgrade later.  Thinking ATC, Harbeth, KEF, Wilson amongst others, but that can be a different discussion. 

Looking to change up my Melody.  Had it for nearly 10 years, been a good trooper with multiple moves, etc, but time to step it up a bit.  

I have about $10-12k for components and really would love some input on a couple options. 

I've gone everywhere from just doing a better integrated and maybe saving some money (Primaluna HP, Octave, VAC sigma) to separates to mono's (VAC, C-J, Cary, Manley, Rogue, and a few others).  Don't mind used in the least.

I have the chance to purchase some VAC Ren 30/70 monos for about $6500.  These are very tempting, but I know the VAC pre's are rare to appear and unsure of other pre's to match up well. 

If you had my budget, what would you choose, configure, etc.  I've read great things (some better than others) of each of the aforementioned components, 

Thanks to all. 


Showing 3 responses by phaun16

Thanks for sending along..unfortunately leaves no budget for a pre... their 300b monks are tempting, but could they drive my speakers at 87db?
I'll take a looks at the doge, seems like quite a nice price point if indeed they perform around others at twice the price! 

EBM, I'll add the magico to my list of speakers down the road... would like to change out the amp and pre first... thanks! 
Thanks all for the input.

Regarding the SET vs. Push pull.. I know this is a big question to answer. I love both sounds, though seems the push pull triode may be a bit more encompassing perhaps...I mean if I only listened to acoustic music and jazz, I would be thinking SET; but worry about when I listen to some rock, funk, jazz with a little deeper bass/percussion. I guess always worried about SET with speakers. I know my speakers will be upgraded in the next year or so.

As for sound direction. I used to record live music quite extensively so bringing back that experience of soundstaging, imaging, depth would be nice. I would love to feel more enveloped and at ease when listening..sometimes I feel I"m straining or getting fatigued. I admit that even my setup now does have a rather distinct soundstage that drastically improved with the tube rolling. I would prefer a nice midrange, warm, fluid; solid yet tempered bass/low end that isn’t overtly muddy, and with high end, would love improvement on the grain and sibilance that occurs some with my setup. I would love to be able to adjust the volume and feel everything more developed in the sound, right now as the volume increases, the vocals can become overbearing and the tonal balance doesn’t quite pan out as well.

Great suggestions, as I have looked at the Line Magnetic line and been tempted by this one. The Raven looks mighty fine as well.

With the Vandy 5a’s being 87db as well as mine, that’s a bit concerning if the VAC 30/70 couldn’t drive those well. Though I would love to end up with a VAC setup.

I have thought about a LOMC and step up with the Slee.  However, I also ponder if I go with a LOMC, would I just change the phono stage all together given the step-up is about 2k.  I just did have the Benz H2 retipped which is another reason of maybe going this route later (probably even after the speaker change)

Any thoughts on Cary 805’s and the SLP05?

Regarding my room. It is 11x18; set up in the rule of thirds, with listening position at the front 1/3. The rear of the room I have my desk and workstation for my recording studio space, which is tucked in 2 closets in the back of the room. The electronics are set up in a bay window/turret with the speakers in front. The speakers are aperiodic loaded and the woofers fire down so rear setup isn’t as finicky. I am draping the windows of the bay, adding pillows along with bay sitting area and trying to figure out a place for a bass trap. The first reflection points are where my record shelves are. I have ordered panels for my second reflection point and the rear walls/doors of the closets where the recording equipment is. Wood floor, covered with a large persian area rug.