Hate to ask......

Alright I am taking a risk here, but I am curious why sooooo many of you hate(and I am using the word HATE) HT? I asked a question a while back and got the answer "because it makes me happy who cares if it is right", well I among other get joy out of HT and was curious why most of you don't like it. Try to keep it simple and civil, thank you. Tim

Showing 2 responses by kjg

I somewhat agree with cornfed's comments about the distraction caused by the center channel speaker. However, while I don't have HT in my home (yet), the salient feature for me has always the presence of the rear channels, and not the addition of the center. I have no problems hearing a full soundstage with my 2 channel system, and can't imagine how the presence of a center channel (mixing issues aside) will add anything of significance. However, I can see how the addition of rear channel information could certainly enhance the musical experience, if done properly.

I both rue and look forward to the day when multichannel audio is readily available. Sadly, it'll likely require a center channel, and will certainly burst the seams of my wallet to get the kind of audio quality I've become accustomed to. However, its very likely to open an interesting new bag of musical experiences that I'm dying to have.
