Has VPI quit supporting the HW series turntable ?

Has VPI dropped the HW-19 tables and support? Is there an after market for parts? Or for upgrades? and who are the companies?

Showing 1 response by rushton


Take a moment to slow down and breathe. You've been going at this in a frenzy for several days now, and it seems to me that you're making assumptions that are not warranted by what you report you've been told or have heard.

VPI has an excellent track record of supporting its turntables and is one of the most reputable and well-respected high-end companies in the world. You have no foundation for going on and on about VPI not supporting the HW-19 series into the future, even if they DO make the decision not to continue selling the unit.

Red Trumpet (http://www.redtrumpet.com) and Music Direct (http://www.amusicdirect.com) both sell a complete complement of parts and upgrades for VPI - I'm sure there are other sources, also. And VPI's web page lists retail pricing for all of the HW-19 parts. I can't imagine VPI would not sell direct if the need was there; they certainly have in the past.

I don't know that you noticed, but Jonmatd's message was signed "HW". Unless I am sorely mistaken (and I don't believe so), you have just received confirmation from the best source there is: Harry Weisfeld, owner of VPI. If Harry says VPI has no intention of abandoning support or advancement of the 19 series, I'd be inclined to take his word for it.