Has this ever happened to you?

Has it ever happened to you that you sit down to listen to your system one day and just go “Wow!”, THIS is the sound I have been looking for?  I have recently been hyper focused on incremental improvements that I have been making, and was really just listening to “the sound” of new components or cables but not actually listening to the music.  Recently, I sat down to listen to music, and I am hearing exactly what I had hoped it should like in my listening room.  I am feeling something new for me in this hobby for really the first time - contentment.

Curious the hear about your experiences.


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Showing 1 response by mulveling

Yes, but it won't last long.

Yep, lol. This is the sad reality of most "hedonist" pursuits. Audio is less unhealthy than most others, at least :) 

Our subjective perceptions of sound are very powerful, but also quite inconsistent, ever-evolving, and influenced by a zillion factors outside our control. My "better" systems have had far less "off days". When I've had a system that wasn't quite right, the delta between "good" and "bad" days was crazy. Some will attribute this to variable power quality, EMI / RFI levels etc. Not here - I think the biological soup inside my skin bag is to blame lol.