Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound?

For me it was an inexpensive power cord that was laying around for years, a Pangea AC9.  I have it connected to my Yamaha A S2000.  I've tried the stock cord on the Yamaha and then some of my other cords, (Wireworld, VH Flavor 4, Acronlink/Oyaide custom cord and a MAC). I've had lots of amps and integrated amps over the years, and this is the first time the Pangea contributed to making better sound. It surprised me because I had tossed it aside and forgot about it.  Power cord performance is such a crap-shoot and dependent on so many other variables in the audio chain.  Any inexpensive item you've come across that enhanced your system's sound? 

Showing 7 responses by geoffkait

Freezing things in the home freezer. CDs, LPs, Blu Ray, CD players, headphones, cables, power cords, what have you.
Removing all magazines, newspapers and books from the abode, especially telephone books, and relegating them to the trash. I’m not hot doggin’ ya. 🌭
Essence of Music 2 step CD treatment which is actually kind of expensive but averaged out the cost per CD is quite low.
Speaking of cleaning contacts one should clean contacts of ALL wall outlets, even those not audio related. Even contacts of wall outlets in other rooms, refrigerator, TV, computer, air purifier, etc. These oxidized or dirty contacts are a source of micro arcing, the noise of which migrates to the audio circuit.

There's always wrapping the transformer with mu metal.  Low frequency high permeability mu metal.

Mapman wrote,

"Mu metal foil shielding around phono step up ferment about 35 bucks."

Ferment? Is that a Freudian slip?

Mapman wrote,

"No it's ridiculous. Ipod spell checker changing my words and me not catching it. 📱"

I'd be rather surprised if you wouldn't be better off with an iPad all the way around.