Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?


Showing 6 responses by cd318


I appreciate your comment, but honestly no. I would recommend with a economics class, follow with a couple finance classes… graduate level. Then a few years of following details of inflation, GDP, PMI, Fed moves… in this setting it ends up in a big waste of time. I (or I doubt anyone) can begin to enlighten lay folks in a few paragraph posts. Any assertion would be followed by pages of background and caveats… I would be spending hours researching an appropriate way to summarize.

I worked as the economic and strategic advisor to the CEO of a global high tech company. I have invested in the stock and bond market over the last thirty years. I spent years following stocks and economic indicators both professionally and personally. This is not a useful topic for an audio forum.



There is absolutely zero reason for the financial trail of evidence to be that complex.

It’s a purposely complexified fluffer box of smoke and mirrors. That much is obvious.

Regarding finance and monetary aspects of the Fed, it is as GWHB is reported to have said, "The truth? If the people knew the truth, we’d be hung off the nearest lamppost!"

the entire scope of the Jekyll island story (for lack of a better simple encompassing reference that can be researched and dug into) clearly illustrates that it is still a form of hard imperialism with oligarchs, as a running pack, that exist behind this wall of purposely obscured fluff around the dollar and world banks that serves as a cover for unrestricted oligarchy that is totally out of control.

The idea of democracy has just been a way of making the reins and tasps seem non existent, when in fact, it is deeply enforced for those who accidentally or purposely touch it’s edges and limits. With the current situation regarding covid and now the Ukraine, it is obvious to the trained mind, that it’s ass is sticking out and you can see the muscles and motions beneath the skin. It’s visible, for those who actually look. and it’s a very sick and sad feeling, to witness it, at best.

Or, completely sane and in total control, if you strip any aspect of human empathy and reason from the conversation and analysis.

If a person can’t explain the true fundamentals of what world finance and the US petro-dollar is to a 10 year old, a person is either lying or deeply misinformed or uninformed, or incapable of decoding the purposeful wall of fluff themselves.

Just my experience...... 🙂


FYI, it is a VERY useful topic for an audio form, for the reason that the discussion and thus the fundamental and important revelations for all, are not taking place anywhere else.

Akin to the idea of ’protest zones’ for the white house. Where one can protest, in a walled off box, in a small wooded area, some 10 miles out of town Unheard and unseen.

Where the system that is the problem, won’t have to deal with the public becoming informed by the existence of the protest and the conversation around the protest.

The forums (yes, in this case audio forums) are the only darned place left where the connected and concerned --- actually meet.

The rest is just controlled propaganda from different parties and players, like parasites fighting over what part of the host they get to control via their attempts to be hypnotically repetitive and Orwellian in their misinformation. Where in said major media.. individuals do their darnedest to hang on to their sense of comfort via the self hypnotic relfective that is their chosen set of foolishness to listen to. Like bad marriages/relationshsips that they don’t possess the emotional will to separate themselves from.




A brilliantly inspired retort.

Actually it’s a mini masterpiece from start to finish.

I wish I’d written it.

Yes, it will be uncomfortable for some, and for others, still operating behind the ’smoke and mirrors’, it might make little sense intially, but that’s even more reason to read it twice, is it not?

You really do owe it to yourself.


"Gates think we are too much people, i think that the disparity between poor and rich is the world problem, not demography itself... With education demography is no more a problem....Then instead of global vaccination it is perhaps better to pay for bread and water and education...But it does not give any return profit for sure to the "benefactor"...

I am optimist for AFTER this passing testing crisis for humanity....I am not optimist for now...."



Me too. The people have to find a way to reverse the decades old trend of ever increasing amounts of money ending up in the hands of an ever decreasing amount of people.

Just today I saw a blurb highlighting the fact that 93% of the world’s wealth currently was in the hands of just 8 families.

8 families?

Even if that’s only half true, it’s a deplorable situation.

How have we managed to end up back in modern day feudalism?

Perhaps we can convince them of the virtues of philanthropism as practiced by some of their predecessors such as Andrew Carnegie in the last century, and Warren Buffet in this?

Or perhaps it’s time to bring back the guillotine?



"To answer this thread the cost of hi-fi has never increased like the prize of butter in Canada.... From 3 dollars few years ago to 9 canadian dollars at regular price...."


I did a shop with my wife today and it's quite clear that there has been a considerable rise in prices recently.

Yesterday I went out for a meal and noticed that the prices had risen by about 15% in under 3 months. In some cases - cooking oil, margarine, and tinned peas etc it's more like 30%.

My cousin recently told me that the price for replacing a front door with a PVC one is now £1200.

On the other hand my employer has recently said that we are to get a wage rise of, wait for it, 0.95%.

Oh well, I guess someone has to pay for the costs of the lockdowns, and it's not going to be the global banks, is it?


"Noam Chomsky once quipped that if the Nuremberg laws and regs applied just post WWII, were moved forward and applied fairly to all, up to today’s date, that each and every president since then, would be hung by the neck until dead, for the crimes of genocide on the world stage."


Chomsky was right, but even he, like Pilger and others, dare not tell it straight.

No president since Kennedy has been able to speak up against the cabal that control the world’s money supply.

Does Congress control the Federal Reserve, or is it the other way around?

In any case it’s never a good idea to allow your national debt to surpass your GDP, is it?

What other result can you expect other than lifelong economic slavery for the working people?

As they say, nothing in life is certain, apart from death and taxes.


The pursuit of fine audio like so many of the other fine things in life depends upon the amount of disposable income one has. In fact quite a lot of happiness depends upon this.

Therefore it's of paramount importance that our governments actually work for us and not for corporate interests. 



It was an eye opener for me to discover that so many of the so called bitter rivalries such as Microsoft v Apple, McDonald's v KFC, and of course Pepsi v Coke weren't really such bitter rivalries after all.

At least not when the owning parent companies such as the above mentioned BlackRock and Vanguard were often one and the same.

Whatever happened to the monopolies commission? Or don't they bother to look beyond the brand name anymore?

Thankfully, this is the age of the internet - the real information age.

People can nowadays access business data much more freely, at least up to a certain point, and then make up their own minds on how things are really being run.

Or if they prefer, they can stick to the old hegemony handed down for generations.

The real point is that things are changing fast, maybe faster than ever before in our history, and that's something that might need to be understood.

It is surely no exaggeration to say that those who do not have access to online information are now at a serious disadvantage, is it?


First: i know someone of my age that never owned a computer and trust only official TV news...

He is so lost about anything that it is impossible to discuss with him about what occur in the world... He cannot BELIEVE anything because the reality is so much incredible, that the sanitized version of event and the superficial one ONLY appear rational and not too frigthening for him... I understand that myself because what i learned is so disturbing even for me...


I know couple of people like this too.

One of them seems to be stuck in the 1980s, albeit an informed 1980s, but in the face of all this bewildering change his main response has been a deep longing for nostalgia.

The problem is, and I guess it always has been, is that once you get left behind by change and technology, it can be difficult to catch up again.

The sheer speed of recent change has been disorientating for many, to say the least, and comfortable certainty (community, employment, and finances etc) seems to be thing of the past.

Perhaps we all got just a little too complacent somewhere down the line?

Thankfully, many, many people, thanks largely to the internet, have to take control over their own health, finances and employment choices.

Reliance and trust in government, MSM and big pharma does seem to be gradually eroding.

Amen to that.