Thanks kiwi. My Concern is twofold. First do you think I can go the integrated route affordably and do you think the integrated is better than a straight preamp/amp combo. Second, does the integrated also run the ht channels or will I need a separate avs for that. Btw The ratio is probably more like 60/40 music to ht. Look forward to your comments. Thanks again.
Has anyone use bel canto s125's with totem forests
Newbie first system. 70% music 30% ht. 18x24 room. Budget 7k. Built around totem forests, rainmaker center and totem in wall surrounds. Considering integra 40.2 or 50.2 and belcanto s125 amp run through preouts. Also considering oppo 83 and sonos with inexpensive dac. Have only purchased forests so far. Open to all suggestions. Thanks for your help.