Has anyone upgraded their preamp with V-caps?

I am interested in hearing about anyone's experience with upgrading their preamps with V-caps (in the output circuit). They are very expensive, i.e. 600.00 for two 2.0uF. I have heard that they are amazing caps and make a huge audio improvement, particularly in the bass and midrange.

Showing 3 responses by johnmcalpin


Thanks for the details. I was wondering about replacing all the caps or just upgrading those in the signal path.

I am aware of some possible downsides and will tread lightly.
I might do this later this month. Bob Backert is once again working over my preamp. He did an astounding job last time and now he's adding a new power supply of his own design.

We talked about the V-Caps and he said they are a definite improvement, at least "10 percent."

We're going to add the power spply first and then see about the V-Caps. I might want the preamp back for a long listen before doing too much at once.