Has anyone truly compared Vintage vs. Modern?

Hi all, 

I'm super curious with all the love for vintage gear, has anyone squared off say a vintage Mac, Luxman, Accuphase against their modern counterparts?  Heck i'm intrigued if anyone has tried a Pioneer SX-1250 or a Marantz 2285 vs a modern integrated, for example.  Just looking for real world feedback.  




Showing 1 response by akg_ca

I had the MARANTZ 2245 and JBL L100’s in my college dorm back in the Jurassic Era of this wacky hobby ( the ‘70’s). It was considered a top performer in ITS era (emphasis added).

In brief, even today’s modestly priced strata equipment will best it. The large myriad of today’s available options of a perceived “ top performer” will smoke it …. Not even close.

”Vintage” in audio just means “old“ , Ok ….that has some ad hoc nostalgia appeal to a select few cohort today. Fine …. Each to his own …. Carry on.
A good example of this type of pure nostalgia appeal would be with the 60’s classic car enthusiasts. A bit of fun with resurrected memories of a misspent youth, but never a contender for performance with a comparison to today’s buzzillion offerings.