@rshad0000, so glad to hear what the CPT 300 did for your system. It is rather amazing what we were used to listening to before these cords go into our systems and the huge transformation they make....as you add more with your components it just gets deeper/wider/quieter/blacker/livelier...etc..........
Hi Larry, nice to hear your experience with the Core Power Technology. I do think it is a quality in itself that no other has done. I do think placing resonance control feet would enhance the characteristics. I have mine elevated with solid park wood blocks(HIFI PyonSound)about 6-8 inches off the floor. It is just enough to notice....
It's so great to hear that you all are having game changing experiences with these CPT power cords. It's always nice having things simplified with a smaller range of products needed for each device to achieve its fullest potential. We all do like experimenting, but this was as easy as plug-n-play like I mentioned from the beginning. I'm happy for the believers and can't push enough for the doubters-if any......
it's the "live" sound that these CPT cords have that is sooo addicting...
@kclone , nice to hear. It will get better with even 200+hours to 500. If your pre has any noise which some do, it should rid that... |
@devilboy , great to hear. Would you say it has more of a 3D effect to the picture? I don't have one direct to a big screen but my Samsung LED LCD is connected into a 6 plug strip that is run to a 300 to the wall. The colour vividness, black and white accuracy is really noticeable. I currently have the cheesy figure 8 two prong cord which needs to be changed or the tv itself to run a custom cord. All in time... |
@corepowertech, Huge congrats Mark for your stunning results at the show. Great products.
In regards to seperate power supplies and your new product. The three Audiozen pieces I have all have them. I wouldn't buy anything without one. A must have. Greatly improves performance to a whole new level. |
@corepowertech, geez Mark, take it easy and heal up.... Hope you make a full recovery....
Hi Mark
Equi-Core 1200/1800 has pricing of $1199/$1599 but doesn't show length of power cord included with the units or different lengths. Thx. |
@corepowertech, congrats Mark on a fabulous review. I'm sure many of us hear similar qualities the reviewer did. I know I have.
I am also very anxious about your new products for sure....
regards Bacardi |
@aniwolfe, glad you purchased a CPT-300. You will hear greater performance at 100+ hours. They're will be times when you turn your system on and your jaw will drop at the exceeding performance of your music. These cords are really game changing..... |
@divinearun , your conclusions are spot on. You will notice even past 500 hours it still exceeds to higher levels. It's almost like "Thors Hammer" charging with lightning and getting stronger every time.... |
@dmitrys, you could try two 150's into one dual outlet. I myself would directly condition each component. It will be dramatic... |
@hieukm, you don't need any other isolation in front or after the CPT power cords. They are they're own isolation for each cord for every component. I would try the CPT-300 straight from wall into components and see how that sounds. You will notice levels of improvement up to +400 hours...
Get well Mark and take care of yourself........ |
Congrats Mark on your review on the Equi-Core. Can't wait to here the reviews and customer views on the 1200 and 1800. Cheers to all.... |
@benzman, let me know how your S.R black receptacle sounds. I have a dedicated 20 amp line with a Furutech Gtx-D rodium with plate and cover. I've been curious about the S.R black. The Furutech blended really well with a CPT-300 into a Hidiamond HDX1 - 6 outlet bar to my whole system. It was magic. |
Hello everyone. I've been off this thread for some time due to heavy work and personal business. I do briefly follow up on posts and what is new to this CPT co. I am anxious to try the new 1200 model in the very near future as reading posts it seems to bring the audio/video to a whole new level. I'm really really excited. On the other hand, my intention of this post is to wish everyone a safe holiday & a Happy New Year. Especially to Mark and his better half(wife) and crew for the great business and fantastic A/V creations. - CHEERS TO ALL - to a new year of great success, health and future progress....
I agree 100% with Lak & Bob( WWW.) that the CPT-300 is game changing. It definetly improved my dac/pre/server/source. My REL G1 subwoofer greatly improved at least 25% with a CPT 300 on it. As opposed to tweeks, I am anxious to configure them with the CPT's in my system......
@knghifi, Just curious on how many hours you have on your CPT-300 after your mod was done and in your system playing?
@knghifi, great to hear... I do think a better comparison may be with a P3.5 as it is IMO the best power cord in the Hidiamond line. I believe that the CPT-300 is still a fantastic cord and with a certain tweak takes it to a higher level....best so far..... |
@knghifi, To each there own, if tearing apart a factory unit which most of us won't due and modifying it is your thing- go for it. If you ever wanna sell these items you may have problems as most want original. We all find something better for less. It's in the hobby....I know without reterminating ends and wiring there are better add on mods that you could choose with more outcome to your entire system....few of us know of this....you may soon to....
@knghifi , I myself have a few pricey Furutech products but upgrading each and every power cord could get extremely pricey. Bybee mods inside, Furutech connectors on each end, Furutech cabling on each side of CPT. If one had 4-8 CPT cords like me would amount to unjustifiable amounts. The Akiko products are a very simple ad on and much much cheaper that amounts to no customization of original gear(just in case of resale or upgrade bug). Plug - and - play. Remember : "K.I.S.S" is still a very well known term we've all heard.....
I truly believe this idea is really breaking down an original patent that Mark has very well earned. Add-ons inserted into a system like the Akiko may have a greater overall effect for way less money. Sounds like your tweeks are more than the unit itself multiplied by the number of CPT's in ones system...then you have a waiting period and break in a second time...yikes.....just saying....
Hi all, been a long time since I've posted but have been clearly watching through notifications how things are going/or not going. just out of curiousity, has anyone received or heard if/when the deep core will be released. Also for 6-7 days now there are no posts. I have an idea why everyone fled but feel free to express it just as Ozzy has. Please, it will help others......thx. |
@grannyring, Your CPT unit will jump several levels during the warm-up period. My cords lastly jumped at around 480 hours. |
@kedoades , throw me a private message at pspeziale@hotmail.com to insight me on the cords you have now.....thx..