Has anyone tried Siltech cables?

Any comments on Siltech interconnects or speaker cables would be greatly appreciated, thanks !!!

Showing 2 responses by celestialsound

Siltech is unlike any other silver cable you will try. First nearly the entire line is silver w/gold. You have all of the benefits of the finest silver cable. Very high resolution, great extension on both ends a midrange that is unrivaled. Also there is a warmth and beauty to the sound of the whole Siltech line. There are none of the drawbacks you find with most othe silver cables, sharpness, thinning out on the top and overall aggressiveness. Also, there is a body to the music like no other silver cables. All of these cables exhibit great balance, alignment and coherence. FTM line is slightly more transparent and dynamic than the SQ. Both are excellent. Mike Affinito Celestial Sound (An Audiogon Dealer) http://www.celestialsound.net/
Carl E-mail me at mikeaff@celestialsound. We would send you a pair on audition no problem