has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac

Showing 5 responses by kartracer

I got an answer from Ryan Conway at PS Audio:

"The DL3 will take virtually any two channel PCM you can feed it as follows:

USB = up to 16/48
Toslink = up to 24/96
Coax Digital = up to 24/192"

So I can hear hi rez today (well, once I figure out how to get 24/96 out of my HP laptop. No Toslink or coax on this bad boy. :-( )
I'm going to trial the PW DAC with my Duet and eventually pick up a NAS when the bridge is out ("Has anyone seen that confounded bridge" - Led Zep) Using the Duet is much more convenient than getting off the couch, turning up the lights and digging through the CD drawers to find the next selection.

I now have the Duet feeding a Cullen Stage 4 PS Audio DL3 and it sounds pretty darn good, but it won't handle any rez higher than redbook, hence my interest in the PWD. It will be interesting to compare the two DACs.
How are you feeding 24/96 files to the DAC? Are you using a software player that downsamples them to 16/44? Tell me how so I can try it!

I'm 99% sure the DL3 only takes in straight Redbook on the SPDIF inputs (16/44.1) USB is a different story, but I'm not interested in using USB. I want to have some higher than Redbook FLAC files on my laptop ready to feed the PWD when it arrives, so I'm still trying to figure out how to do that (besides USB. But if that's the only way, oh well.) I'm thinking of buying a couple 24/96 albums from HDTracks to use. I'll post this question on the PS Audio forum.
I believe the DL-III upsamples as a way to reduce jitter. Unfortunately, it does not offer a "native" mode of 44k(like the PWD will.) In any case, I am 99% sure it only deals with 16 bits, but I haven't queried the PS Audio folks yet to get the real answer.

I'll be in the Denver area next week and plan to visit the factory, so hopefully can resolve all my questions there. I'll post my findings.
