Has anyone NOT listened to their system for a long time?

As I went to the basement (i.e., listening room) the other day, I happened upon the Hem "Departure and Farewell" lp leaning up against the LSA Statement amp. I had been testing whether I could get rid of a slight distortion I was hearing through the VPI HW-19 Mk 4 turntable -- testing back in late August. 

I hadn't really made the time for any serious listening since then. Is this normal? I have two children - a 3- and a 5-year old, and a full time teaching job. So my evenings are filled and by 10 pm I'm ready for bed.

Has anyone else ever NOT listened to music via their system for a while? If so, why?

Showing 1 response by jafant

I am in the process of building my reference system;

it has been 10 years since my last owned system. Luckily, the past 5 years has been a labor of love traveling for work and enjoying visiting dealers/retailers to obtain ideas for putting together said reference system. This kind of break is therapeutic and allows one to gain more focus into the music, IMO.

Happy Listening!