Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?

Showing 10 responses by macdadtexas

You know when I ordered mine I asked VPI about getting the SS tube and they told me that was only for heavier cartridges and they did not suggest it for any but the heaviest cartridges.

Now I'm a bit perterbed.
I have a dumb question, where do I find directions on using the damping fluid? It's not with my manual, and I cannot find it on the VPI site. How does it work? The fluid came with the deck, but I need to understand exactly how it works?

I had it for weeks, after trying 3 other VPI tables, this have been by far the best. I had been trying out tables (6) for a year, but my search is over.

I didn't think the SDS added anything, so I sold it.
Sumiko Blackbird and a Cary SLP98p F-1 version (direct coupled, all upgraded caps).
OK, some very funny posts on this sting, which is so important in this ridiculous hobby, but I wanted to add some more commentary:

I love this turntable. It is the best I have owned. It's not the last word in anything, but it does everything, and I mean EVERYTHING well. Tons of range, pace, bass, everything. I was just at someone's house who has an absolutely steller (i.e. expensive) system, and I was shocked at how hollow and lifeless his analog system sounded compared to mine. Especially with the difference in price. I am thinking that VPI has hit a home run with this thing. By going retro-new tech they seem to have incorperated the best of the old without forsaking newer technology. After 6 tables in the last 12 months, I am done. Just buying more vinyl now.
Without regard to price, it's the best table I have owned period. It's just so solid, no weaknesses. I would say that it is a statement table from VPI that will actually increase revenue substantially. Why buy any other table of theirs', or really anyone elses'?

Just because something costs more, doesn't make it better. I will use Jack Daniels bourbon as an example. There are much more expensive bourbons, but come on, almost anyone who likes bourbon will tell you that JD is one of the premiums. Maybe not their absolute favorite, or the "best" but always in the discussion.
I was not explicit enough. I think the volume of sales for The Classic, will greatly increase VPI's total revenue and more to the point, profit. I think this increase could and will dwarf the loss in sales of the higher end tables they sell. The price point for this table is the "sweet spot" for audiophiles. It's not cheap by any means, but it's a rather inexpensive table if it's performance is taken into consideration. So it's VALUE is huge. Kind of like when Spectron started getting such glowing reviews for the Musician II, and they started selling like water in the desert. Of course they went WAY up in their price then with "improvements", until they got to the price level of other comparible amps. That could happen here as well.
I was in the VPI room, and you won't believe this, I never saw the Classic. I was looking at the Aries 3 and HRX. I don't remember the sound from the room at all.

The Vandersteen rooms was ridiculous with the gear they had hooked up to the new 7's. I think my college Bose 301's would have blown your doors off in that system, so who knows what the 7's sound like.

Sorry, got off topic.