Has anyone heard the Usher Audio Speakers

I have read great things about these speakers on several different sites. They seem to have caught the attention of the press at CES this year? Has anyone heard them and if so with what equipment?
Usher has one speaker that looks identical to the Sonus Faber. I have no real interest in copycat speakers and this appears to be a slight anomaly in their line.

The new speakers that Usher has out have really peaked my interest and I believe will shake up the overpricing rampant everywhere in high end speakers.

The new line has been designed with the help than none other than Joseph D'Appolito, so the engineering is not in question. The are made in Taiwan but have fit, finish and quality of construction that is untouchable. They are stunning.

The sound is unimpeachable. I have also heard the 8871's and their coherence from top to bottom is amazing. They play beautifully at any volume and with all music. In this market of this speaker is good for that and this for something else etc.... This is ridiculous, you need a system that can do it all. Usher is one of the few speakers that I have heard do this.

I really think that these speakers will no only redefine value in the high end market but performance as well.
Listen some of their speakers in Taiwan. It seems that they are easier to drive than other high end speakers. The one like SF EA sounds pretty good even on a Denon receiver. Do like powerful amp, but reasonablly smooth even for receivers. Most are at warm side and coherent with SS amp I audit. Do not need too much tweeking compared to others.
I like SF's look better but Usher is friendly to drive compared to other high-end speakers. Can save $$ on speaker and amps. The "copycat" is much bigger/heavier than EA-II if you physically see it. Big speaker line is quite different from amati.
I heard the 8871s at CES this year. I was not familiar with Usher Audio but stuck my head in their room. Once you you see these speakers you are pulled in by their looks. I was told that the 8871s retail for $8400. Based on what I saw, if I was told that they cost $16000, I would have believed it. While the hotel room I heard them in was small, the Ushers has a sound stage that was wider and deeper than any I had ever heard. And bass like theres no tomorrow. As soon as I sell my speakers, I am going to seek a dealer that has the Ushers so I can do some further listening. I have to say that my impression of Usher Audio is completely different than Fernel's. But then again, I saw them and listened to them. Judging by his comments I don't think that he can say the same.
I read an article about Usher awhile back (1 year?). It was a show report from one of the big stereo mags. It said that Usher manufactures all it's drivers in house, and does in-fact seem to copy the design of other manufacturers. I believe it said that they were manufactured in China, and as a result at a substantially lower cost than the originals.

That said, who cares? Everybody copies somebody sometime. Even if they aren't exact copies, many of the positive attributes of one speaker may find it's way to the design of another speaker manufactured by somebody else. Sometimes that design is improved upon in the process.

It doesn't just happen in audio. How about the Ford Focus type designs coming out of Japan? Toyota, Mazda, and Suzuki all have body styles strikingly similar to each other, and the Ford Focus. How many Harley Davidson motorcycle clones are out there?

I'm sure if I was a designer, it would really piss me off to see a copy or a very similar product to the one I designed show up on the market. But I'm not a designer or manufacturer. I'm a consumer, and I can only think that this competition can help me purchase a better speaker for less money.
For what I saw in their shop, those top line speaker drivers are made in Europe(France?). They do have some drivers made in Taiwan or box made in China for their lower priced lines target at local market. The new top line ones are co-designed by European also. Well who cares! Sound is more important. As far as I know the store is there more than 20 or 30 years. The owner started his own driver/cabinet building business when he was young. That's McIntosh's time in US.
The owner decided to go for international business incorporated with foreign design. And that's we see in CES show. Magzine's comment is probably before that.

Why I know? I got some used speakscan drivers here in US. Then I plan on building my own speaker. I am an EE engineer so need help to build the cabinet. When I have a chance to have business trip to Taipei, I walked into the oldest store to see if anything can help me. I did not get my customer made cabinet but audit some of their new goody.
That's right before CES show.

The sound is not bad at all. In US, those big speakers are probably push by better amplifiers. I can't comment how it compares with others with different electronics. But it seems friendly to drive. If you can drive it with store's local 150 W amp, I think it will have better kick if Krell, ML, audio research... are used.