Has anyone heard The Super High-end Swan Ribbons?

My plans are to upgrade my current system which includes all McIntosh Electronics and Apogee Duettas to the Mcintosh Premier MC2KW Amps, Premier C2000 Pre-Amp, And the DA & DC 1000 CD System, (And that is providing McIntosh Doesn't over-price the gear), if not the Mcintosh upgrades are a sure thing, but wondering whether the Swans would be a good replacemant for the Apogees.

Showing 1 response by gregm

The Swans 2.2 (I assume those r the ones) are better engineered than the Duettas. BUT, soundwise, the D's are good. What is it you expect to improve upon by changing the Duettas?
Also keep in mind that the Swans look like a difficult load in their top octave.