Has anyone heard the Shunyata Cables?

I'm looking for opininions of people who have heard or have heard of the Shunyata speaker cables and interconnects the Lyra and the Aries. I am currently using Cardas Golden Cross speaker cable and interconnects from Pass Labs X250 to Hales Transcendence 5's and Pass X1 pre to Pass X250 and Talk Thunder CDP to Pass X1. I am thinking of going the Shunyata route.Any inputs or advice would be geatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by samuel

NightHawk is correct. We learned that there were consecutive trials where the cables exhibited this behavior, and a subsequent test at the cable company affirmed this.

We requested the Aries cables return after this and we noted the same issue NightHawk describes. After discussion with the principles at the cable company, we learned that the Aries they had were extensively burned in on a cable cooker prior to being shipped out. for trials.

For most cables this would not be a problem, but the Aries uses a micro-thin litz conductor design that does not respond well to "cooking" or, especially over cooking. After 100 hours of continuos play the characteristics we noticed, and as described by NighHawk, subsided and confirmed our suspicions. We provided new sets of interconnects to the cable company and the issue noted by NighHawk and confirmed by us did not reappear.

I am aware this may raise an eyebrow in propeller-head land but there are a number of people who noted the before and after differences. The cable cooker products can be very effective, but it is wise to under, rather than over do the process.

I hope this helps support that NightHawk did indeed have an accurate impression of what he heard.