Has anyone heard the Shunyata Cables?

I'm looking for opininions of people who have heard or have heard of the Shunyata speaker cables and interconnects the Lyra and the Aries. I am currently using Cardas Golden Cross speaker cable and interconnects from Pass Labs X250 to Hales Transcendence 5's and Pass X1 pre to Pass X250 and Talk Thunder CDP to Pass X1. I am thinking of going the Shunyata route.Any inputs or advice would be geatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by cmk

If you want to hear more of your system, but less of the cables, I'd go for JPS Superconductor 2. If that's too rigid, then settle for the FX. I too wanted to have some of the Cardas sound and the alternative way to do that is to use the Golden power cords. Their pcs give the same signature, but to a lesser extent than their ics or spk cables.