Has anyone heard the PS Direct stream mk2?

Has anyone heard the newly released PS Audio direct stream mk2 DAC?   I have the original and am considering trading up.  It sells for $8k, but only $4500 if I trade in my original direct stream.

The only “reviews” I have seen are from the PS Audio website, so perhaps a bit biased.  wanting to hear from others.




Showing 2 responses by driftingbunnies

Yep, I have one and am currently enjoying it a lot. I think with the current trade in value, it makes a lot of sense for someone who likes the mk1. If you want to try something entirely different though, there are plenty of other ways to spend your money.

I've been burning it in over the past month and it continues to get better. While I haven't tried every $8k DAC out there, I'm not afraid to say that it definitely competes with DACs like TT2/mscaler stack and Wavedream based on my system. Obviously when you get to this level, you start honing in on what your preferences are and not necessarily which one is better technically since they all perform technically very well. 

If anyone is curious, I'd recommend grabbing a MK1 to see if you enjoy the latest firmware and use your imagination on how good MK2 would be. It's pretty much impossible to recommend anyone a $8k DAC blindly.