Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?

I watched a YouTube of Robyn of Robyatt Audio. 
A long standing Quad 57 man, he has taken the ESS rebuild to the max now with a new, fairly extreme wooden frame. 
Very interesting that in this video he abandons his push of the Quads and now raves about the new Klipschhorns. Even saying that they are the best speaker regardless of price!

The new KHs are now in much improved enclosures with sealed backs making them now best away from corners into the room. But what about the sharp, honking sound of the horns? But for a diehard Quad guy to now say that the new KHs are better than the $100K+…? I was also a diehard Quad guy until I decided that I wanted bass and treble, and most of all, dynamics! There is no question that the KHs are that. I never owned KHs but did once have Heresys. I will never forget that blaring tweeter!


Showing 4 responses by johnk


It's a 2 way with another horn system behind it. I do have a giant bass horn in the left corner that I use at times. 


The Jubilee uses DSP since the Celestion Axi2050 doesn't have much upper range unless EQed and processed. I use the same driver as Jubilee in a better non-CD horn design and with a proper tweeter set up so I need no DSP and can just let the Axi2050 roll-off gently mating it to a proper tweeter. The sound quality once done is one of the best in compression drivers.

Horn I refer to is a massive community bi radial type. Community at one time made some of the most advanced horn profiles available a few of those still don't have modern equivalents. I use it with my massive J horn and  Faital pros best 1" comp tweeter in matching tweeter horns so I have radiation pattern control. I use a simple 1st order and I have them physically time aligned as well as is possible. I have a horn forum on FB check it out if you like     https://www.facebook.com/groups/614272918584739