Has anyone heard the new Vandersteen Quatro?

Hey everyone. Has anyone heard these things yet? What is the cost on them? No price on web site.
I heard them at CES, Audiogon coverage is here:


I thought they sounded better than the same room last year with 5A. I know the 5A is a better speaker but with the ARC amps and small room size, the Quatro was very good. Especially for show conditions.
I heard $6,500 but you have to assume you are going to want model 5xovers unless you want to build your own. If you want model 5 xovers, I think they are about $800 balanced or $600 for rca. Making your own could be much cheaper and may provide satisfactory results. If you are interested, I would do a search on this forum as I believe it has been discussed in the past. Most people do not advise using the "regular" Vandersteen xover.