Has anyone heard the new Pass Labs XP-15 phono?

I traded in my Pass Ono for the Pass Xono and am very pleased with its clean, detailed and neutral sound. I'm curious if the new XP-15 is as much of an improvement over the Xono as the new Pass XP-10 preamp is over the X-1. I know the XP-15 has a built-in power supply (one-box). There will be a two-box verson (XP-25) later. Also, I think there are fewer cartidge loading options, but the switches are on the exterior of the unit, making it much easier to try different settings. Are there any reviews yet? Thanks.
Drbuck4,can you share with us what loading are you using with the Ortofon Cadenza Black cartridge ? Thanks !
I have it love love it Hana ML REGA P9 Goldenear tirton one 3D sound amazingĀ 
Dear @rbgoblue Good that you are aproud owner but the OP thread and what he posted comes from 10 years ago ! !

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,