Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.

Showing 3 responses by xaviercg

Hello Norm,
Had upgraded both my H-Cat 10 MKIII Amp. & Pre-amp. and now with approximetely 200 hours my system has never sounded so organic.
I've been an audiophile for thirty eight
years have owned C.A.T., Audio Research, Velvet, Lectron, Levinson
and nothing comes close to this.
In listening to my LP's, I'm experiencing
that atmospheric quality they provide  but like never before.
The  H-Cat system give you the best of
both worlds (tube wise,dimensionality
solid state wise, quickness articulation 
and base) but with neutrality like water
clear and transparent without any coloration your speakers are transformed and disappear providing you with a life like event.
I did replaced my Goldmund's with
two way monitor speakers and got the
same results, a rich organic non fatiguing sound.
In the digital format, the experience is
like listening to analog, that clinical sound that is present in CD's is much
eliminated. One tends to listen to the entire CD vs before I would subconsciously skip around.
In conclusion I have to say this breakthrough technology weather your playing your music soft or loud there is no degradation of detail (much like a 
a good zoom lens effect) nothing is 
compromised and gladly have to say I'm off the audio marry go round. 
Well done Roger.

Roger, just wanted to add that having the upgraded 10X MkIII in the system now for approximataly
three months, have to conclude that the so called sweet spot is not
as critical a sitting position.
In many cases before this acted as a spot light effect. This effect now
is broader like a flood light filling 
the room with music.
I've always addressed room accoustics as being 50% of your 
sounds and consequently now believe that the full potential of my
system has been achieved.

All I'm saying is that one's sitting
position is not as critical when using
H-Cat, versus  conventional electronics.
The detail in the music just blossoms
with a holographic presentation and that presentation has no coloration just a neutral signature.