Has anyone heard the new Music Hall MMF CD25 ?

This is a new item imported by Roy Hall. The player looks very intriguing. It retails for $600. Features include a 24 bit Burr-Brown dac, HDCD, detachable power cord and a Phillips CD 711 transport. Seems like a lot of bang for the buck. I just ordered one and wondered if anyone else has tried the player yet.
I just received my MMF CD25 this past friday; and like just
about everything about it. This unit has great looks,
sturdy build quality (considering its' price point!), and
a clean, easy-to-read display. Operates very quietly, too.
Though I only have about eight hours of playing time so
far - I am deffinately enjoying what I'm hearing. Lots of
detail, and a smooth, warm sound quality that I suspect
will only improve with time. Even just out of the box - this
unit did not seem to sound overly harsh and difficult on
the ears - as some units do.

this maybe a late response but i have had the player for about 2 months and it sounds very warm and musical, however since i'v had it the random play and first track initialization has gone hay wire. also i noticed the transport becoming a lot more noisy while playing. i called music hall and they didnt seem to concerned, they just gave me the repair number in L.A. called them and they said there has been some problems with the processors. i'm sending it out in january, hope this doesnt become one of thoses buying regrets.

I have had mine for 10 months now and not had any problems. I hope your fix is easy solves the problem.
