Has Anyone Heard the (fairly) New Technics Grand Class TT?

Many of you know that Technics recently released a $4000 Grand Class SL-1200(G or GAE) update to their 1200 series of turntables.  Has anyone listened to this table?  I am trying to get a comparison with the Luxman PD-171 as well any other tables in the range.
This is my opinion of course but I would call the turntable 'excellent'. The arm really isn't bad either (much improved over the original SL1200 arm), but is bested by other tonearms, the Triplanar being one of them.

I would place the stock arm above other high end arms like the Rega, its more adjustable and better precision in construction.
I guess the consensus is the 1200GAE (or G) is a better performing table than the Luxman PD-171A (with the Jelco SA-750E 10" arm). The Lux is significantly more $. 1500-2000