has anyone heard the de-capos.

i have 805n's. i near field listen approx 7ft equilateral triangle. have tried everything in the attempt to get the speakers to disappear. it ain't happening. i want what all of us nuts want, depth,stage etc..... equipment is as follows : bc-3 pre, quicksilver silver 60's with every combo of tubes allowed, euridia speakers, 805n's, audio magic cables, wadia transport, wadia 15 dac, pv8 pre, and pv5. speakers are 5ft from front wall, 2ft from side walls.
thinking about the de-capo's
thanks, tim

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Is that the Blue Circle preamp you are describing as model BC 3? If so, you might try a well designed tube preamp as a trial before going any further.

I would also consider Purist or Cardas interconnect cables, and maybe even speaker runs.

Are you running hard isolation devices under your preamp and amps? They can be a problem if they bring the soundstage too far forward. All of this is worth thinking about before spending any more money.