Has anyone heard of these speaker?

I picked up a pair of TETRASOUND speakers in a pawn shop and they are incredible...I have heard they were developed by an Canadian. Does anyone have other information on these?

Showing 1 response by inventor1

My name is Robert Menzies. I am the true inventor of the Tetrasound speaker systems.The true story of how the speaker systems emerged in Western Canada and the behind the scenes business interference, manipulation and oppression of the emerging technology I developed is quite unbelievable.I hold the trademarks for the name Tetrasound.The company is called Tetrasound Canada Inc.
AB 2008-09-08.We had opened a small research and development facility in NW Calgary and have brought the systems up to date
However formal manufacturing and release has yet to be
negotiated.Speakers are really dependent on the current technology base of engineering knowledge and acoustics theory.The reality is that if you have new technology that improves the State of the ART you are going to be a target.
Its like coming along with the final embodiment of a Grand Piano in an industry that is in reality selling fast buck van speakers dressed up as hi-fi. Well, maybe part of the industry. Sorry to be so negative.Yes there are hifi speakers out there and the electronics industry is still alive.Maybe the reality is the world will be owned by Sony and Harmon International etc
Maybe my world is jaded and you wouldn't want to be me.Its not always fun being an inventor working on an emerging technology.No I did not use Mission Speakers by the way. The raw drivers used were made specifically for us by a now defunct Canadian driver manufacturer (Cambridge) Unfortunately the trials of trying to develop a company in Western Canada that builds speakers has been fraught by many personal mistakes and costly business lessons.It is also not fun being lobbied against by people worried about the impact you may have on the industry.(Only they have the right to commercialize and make money)Thank you however to all the people who actually believed in me and supported
my emerging development of the speakers knowing i was working to extend past the boundaries of the industry.I have suffered humiliating defeats of failed plants and partners,have never really been launched.Sorry the public hasn't had the real chance to hear the final results.
Being a targeted inventor where the game is to part you from the technology and rip it off until it falls into the right hands is like being in perpetual bankruptcy and financial distress. The only thing that keeps me going is that I am not a stock broker,I AM A REAL INVENTOR
and that I might run into the right professional people one day or finally resign to "sell this out" myself (professionally)I have seen all the investors and take over sharpies (Business People) sorry (I care to see for a lifetime.However I have managed to develop and continue to develop new leading edge technologies and made new applied/theoretical development in the "speaker field" in an industry that has pretty much exhausted the known engineering base of applied electro-acoustics. To previous investors and genuine supporters of Tetrasound I am sorry about all the business interference and the shadowed business launches.Even good products may not make it onto the market without the right people involved.I am also sorry for my personal failures and weaknesses that were any part of the business failures.
I still submit the integrity of my development of 4th dimensionally based "Tetrasound" technology is now maturely developed patentable,and extremely viable.
20 years ago the industry was not ready to adopt speakers that self adjust to the room,cancel the formation of standing waves and do not have microphone feedback.
If i ever write a book it would truly be unbelievable.Ask my mother.If anybody needs correction on any misinformation about events,the technology or any other misinformation about Tetrasound I will be glad to answer your inquiries.
I coined the word Tetrasound and first registered the trademark in 1979. It is in reference to the 4th dimensional mathematics used as a theoretical framework to loosely describe the subsequent developments in cancelling standing wave formation(in the room) and removing the microphone feedback loop in real time without interfering with the fidelity of the acoustic output.
I really actually don't care about the technology anymore other than its applied utility to making noticeably "better sound"Its the results that count.I am also sick of debating
emerging technology.Decades will do that to you.Besides I
now have proof.So,if you disagree as to a 4th dimensional theoretical sound framework you go ahead and you can try to "prove me wrong." Build and design your own speakers
Truly my research into this area has for the most part been satisfactoraly been characterized by me for me
for all times.I have had my fill of being in the "fringe" but I have had a good life in the "stereo industry" lol
In Canada because we are a proud nation of 35 million people compared to a global world of many people it may be said "we stand on the shoulders of giants with small numbers"
Yours truly,
Robert Menzies (Audiophile and Inventor)