Has anyone had trouble with speed on their tt

I was having trouble with speed stability on a very expensive dual DC motor top of the line system of a well known brand from England. It was a terrible fight for years, I would get some good days and then the temperamental thing would drift or even radically switch speeds ending my listening session. I now have the perfect system and wondered if we could discuss this for other audio enthusiasts' sake.

Showing 2 responses by richardkrebs

Dougdeacon said...

"No strobe (Timeline or otherwise) operates in short enough increments of time to detect micro-/pico-/nano-second variations. Knowing that a TT is speed stable across a time span of minutes tells us nothing about how stable or unstable it may be across a few thousandths or millionths of a second. Such short-period variations are just as audible and musically important, arguably more so."

Brilliant. This is so true.

Tonywinsc also touched on the same point.

IMO it is the reduction of these tiny speed changes that is one key to a TTs performance. Do we have a way to objectively measure this? Maybe, with some of the new optical speed sensors capable of measuring greater than 1x10^6 counts per rev, but I sure know that we can hear it.
If you are observing dynamic speed changes, greater than 1% in a closed loop system, I would suggest that the TT is poorly designed or malfunctioning.