Has anyone had trouble with speed on their tt

I was having trouble with speed stability on a very expensive dual DC motor top of the line system of a well known brand from England. It was a terrible fight for years, I would get some good days and then the temperamental thing would drift or even radically switch speeds ending my listening session. I now have the perfect system and wondered if we could discuss this for other audio enthusiasts' sake.

Showing 3 responses by in_shore

Yes from a new $17,000.00 table purchase back in 2008, after complaints a new motor controller was sent to me which the manufactured called , an upgraded motor controller.
Just a poorly designed controller in the first place and the new one wasn't much better.
My ears were telling me there still were problems with this table however mentioning this on the happy owners group I hurt sensitive egos and was called names, really the joke is on them.
Syntex has some good insight on the subject , but first ill ask, is it no wonder some have gravitated back to using the very best of vintage tables.
Syntax's comment which also crossed my mind , he said "Some inexperience manufactures simply did not do their research and home work, how true.
My $17,000.00 up front turned into 10 months of frustration , two motor controllers later including a check of both motors themselves just to end taking a hit when I sold it, inconsistent speeds were not the only issue , that was evident with my favourite Lps.
However I must take blame of course for believing owner testimonials which convinced me to jump in with both feet,..

Reliability issues are more common then some think however there are other forces at work.
Technically whatever it is the proof is in the play back, one outstanding example that will shock anyone that thinks they are familiar with this outstanding RCA Living Stereo recording is Belafonte at Carnegie Hall, Belafonte's vocals are much different, it will stop you in your tracks.
I'm not claiming that I have any answers why this Lp sounds the way it does including others that I thought I knew well, but I think this goes beyond having a table that is capable of precise speed no matter what is going on in the music.